Waste management with composting technology.
What is composting.

Composting is the biological, aerobic, thermophilic and controlled partial decomposition process of organic waste which leads to compost production, ie an organic fertilizer that is similar to the soil humus and promotes plant growth. The quality of waste which feeds the system determines the quality of the compost. Biological processes can not be accelerated beyond their normal limits and the minimum time required is around 3-6 weeks depending on the type of waste.

Benefits of composting.

The nature of composting has many advantages over all competing technologies, which makes it irreplaceable option as part of an integrated waste management process. These advantages are encoded as follows:
* Small (the smallest) investment and operating costs are needed than any other competing technologies.
* It has great social acceptance and according to this it is easier to complete the relevant investments faster.
* It requires little manufacturing time and consists a direct applied choice in contrast to other technologies.
* It does not produce dangerous toxic substances, such as other technologies, while odors are easily treated.
* It creates four times more jobs than other available technologies. This fact in conditions of economic crisis and rising unemployment is a very important positive feature.

COMPOST production technology.

Canal-type production system is applied and the compost premix originates by livestock’s organic solid wastes as well as plant waste material of agricultural and urban activities. Waste treatment period is 6-8 weeks and the amount of processed waste per square meter of each canal is 2-3 / m3. The plant consists of the following production sectors:
The production system combines controlled aeration with periodic movement of solid waste mass. Composting takes place between the walls of the channel. A railway rail at the top of each canal guides a mechanical composting platform with rotary mixing head. Most commercial systems include a set of ventilation tubes placed into a floor recess of the canal. The system is supported by fans for ventilation and cooling of composting materials. As the materials along the canal are at different stages of composting, the canal is divided to different ventilation zones and temperature. The productive capacity of the system depends on the number and size of the canals. The length of the canal and the rotary speed of the mixing head determines the time of composting.
Typical dimensioning of composting canals:
* Length: 30 m.
* Width: 2-6 m.
* Depth: 0.9-3 m.
As for equipment and composting conditions protection, the canals are covered by a roof.

The particular production system utilizes extraction technology, where the liquids produced by bacteria, fungi and protozoa are products of a combination of applied technologies and methodologies in the brewery sector. The system is supported by tanks and piping network.

Commercial products.

The commercial products of a compost unit are as follows:
* Humus-compost in bags of 20 lt / 10 kg.
It is 100% natural product suitable for all crop plants and can be combined with any fertilizer.
* Liquid organic fertilizer-compost tea in containers of 20 lt.
It is a liquid fertilizer of high quality ideal for any crop. It is a unique and innovative product providing solutions to specific nutritional problems of plant growth.